Morgan Quitno Press

Crime State Rankings 2000: Crime in the 50 United States




A-C (back to top)

Admissions to prisons 76, 77

Agencies, law enforcement 270

Aggravated assault, 1993: 486-489

Aggravated assault, arrests for 13, 14, 203-205

Aggravated assault, by weapon used 370-378

Aggravated assault, clearances 42

Aggravated assault, in rural areas 433-435

Aggravated assault, in urban areas 430-432

Aggravated assault, juvenile arrests for 203-205

Aggravated assault, number of 365, 367, 370, 373, 375, 377, 430, 433, 486, 487

Aggravated assault, rate 368, 371, 431, 434, 488, 489

Aggravated assault, time between 366

AIDS, deaths in prison 94-96

AIDS, prisoners with 97, 98

Alcohol, usage by teens 246

Alcohol & drug treatment, expenditures for 132-139

Alcohol & drug treatment, admissions 121-131

Alcohol & drug treatment, admissions by race 126-141

Alcohol & drug treatment, admissions by sex 122-125

Alcohol & drug treatment, juveniles in 248, 249

Appeal or bond, prisoners released on 88

Arrest rate, violent crime 6

Arrest rates 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 186, 189, 192, 195, 198, 201, 204, 207, 210, 213, 216, 219, 222, 225, 228, 231, 234, 237

Arrests 1-36, 185-238

Arrests, aggravated assault 13, 14, 203-205

Arrests, arson 23, 24, 218, 219

Arrests, burglary 17, 18, 209-211

Arrests, crime clearances 37-46

Arrests, crime index offenses 3, 4, 188-189

Arrests, driving under influence 27, 28, 224-226

Arrests, drug abuse violations 29, 30, 227-229

Arrests, larceny and theft 19, 20, 212-214

Arrests, motor vehicle theft 21, 22, 215-217

Arrests, murder 7, 8, 194-196

Arrests, offenses against families and children 35, 36, 236-238

Arrests, property crime 15, 16, 206-208

Arrests, prostitution & commercialized vice 33, 34, 233-235

Arrests, rape 9, 10, 197-199

Arrests, robbery 11, 12, 202-202

Arrests, sex offenses 31, 32, 230-232

Arrests, violent crime 5, 6, 191-193

Arrests, weapons violations 25, 26, 221-223

Arrests of juveniles 185-238

Arson, arrests for 23, 24, 218-220

Arson, juvenile arrests for 218-220

Bank robberies 364

Black juvenile custody rate 245

Black state prisoners 60-62, 69, 70

Black prisoners under death sentence 69, 70

Bond or appeal, prisoners released on 88

Burglary, 1993: 494-497

Burglary, arrests for 17, 18, 209-211

Burglary, time between 386

Burglary, clearances 44

Burglary, in rural areas 445-447

Burglary, in urban areas 442-444

Burglary, juvenile arrests for 209-211

Burglary, number of 385, 387, 442, 445, 494, 495

Burglary, rate 388, 389, 443, 446, 496, 497

Capacities, prisons 52

Capital punishment 63-75

Car theft, 1993: 502-505

Car theft, arrests 21, 22, 215-217

Car theft, clearances 46

Car theft, number of 395, 397, 454, 456, 457, 459, 502, 503

Car theft, in rural areas 457-459

Car theft, in urban areas 454-456

Car theft, rate 398, 399, 455, 458, 504, 505

Car theft, time between 396

Cases, federal criminal 305, 306

Child abuse, victims of 250-261

Child abuse fatalities 260, 261

Children and families, arrests for offenses against 35, 36, 236-238

Children and families, juvenile arrests for offenses against 236-238

Clearances, crime 37-46

College and university crime 460-465

Commercialized vice and prostitution, arrests for 33, 34, 233-235

Commercialized vice and prostitution, juvenile arrests for 233-235

Commuted death sentences 74, 75

Conditional prison releases 81-85

Correctional institutions, prisoners in 47-51

Correctional officer, inmates per 114

Correctional officers, by sex 112, 113

Correctional officers, turnover rates 115

Correctional officers 111-115

Corrections, expenditures for 167-175

Corrections, payroll 181

Court commitments, admissions to prison through 77

Crime, clearances 37-46

Crime, in 1994: 466-505

Crime, property, number of 379-382, 490-493

Crime, time between 310, 316, 326, 345, 351, 366, 380, 386, 391, 396

Crime, universities and colleges 460-465

Crime, violent, 315-323, 470-473

Crime index offenses, arrests for 3, 4, 188-190

Crime rates 313, 314, 319, 320, 322, 328, 329, 331, 334, 347, 348, 349, 353, 354, 356, 368, 369, 371, 383, 384, 388, 389, 393, 394, 398, 399, 401, 404, 407, 410, 413, 416, 419, 422, 425, 428, 431, 434, 437, 440, 443, 446, 449, 452, 455, 458, 468, 469, 472, 473, 476, 477, 480, 481, 483, 484, 485, 488, 489, 492, 493, 496, 497, 500, 501, 504, 505, 507

Crime rates, rural 404, 410, 416, 422, 428, 434, 440, 446, 452, 458

Crime rates, urban 401, 407, 413, 419, 425, 431, 437, 443, 449, 455

Criminal cases, federal 305-307

Custody juveniles in 242-245

D-F (back to top)

Death penalty 63-75

Death sentences, by race 67-70

Death sentences, by sex 64-66

Death sentences overturned 74, 75

Deaths, prisoner 90-96, 99, 100

Driving under influence, arrests for 27, 28, 224-226

Driving under influence, juvenile arrests 224-226

Dropout rate, high school 239

Drug abuse violations, arrests for 29, 30, 227-229

Drug abuse violations, juvenile arrests 227-229

Drug & alcohol abuse services, expenditures for 132-138

Drug & alcohol prevention services 136-138

Drug & alcohol treatment, admissions 121-131

Drug & alcohol treatment, admissions by race 126-131

Drug & alcohol treatment, admissions by sex 122-125

Drug & alcohol treatment, juveniles in 248, 249

Drug & alcohol treatment, units 120

DUI, arrests 27, 28, 224-226

DUI, juvenile arrests 224-226

Emotionally abused children 256, 257

Employees, correctional institutions 109-115

Employment, justice system 264-267

Employment, law enforcement agencies 273-278

Employment, local police dept 287-290

Employment, sheriffs' dept 292-295

Employment, special police agencies 297-300

Employment, state law enforcement 279-285

Escaped prisoners 79, 89

Escapees returned 79

Executions 71, 72

Expenditures, per inmate 119

Families and children, arrests for offenses against 35, 36, 236-238

Families and children, juvenile arrests for offenses against 236-238

Federal law enforcement officers 262, 263

Female correctional officers 113

Female law enforcement officers 284, 285

Female prisoners 53-56, 65, 66

Females, in drug and alcohol treatment 124, 125

Females, under sentence of death 65, 66

G-I (back to top)

Guns, crimes involving 321-323, 330-335, 355-357, 370-372

Handguns, murders involving 333-335

Hate crimes 506, 507

High school dropout rate 239

HIV/AIDS, prisoners testing positive for 97, 98

Incarceration rate 50, 51, 54, 58, 61

Incarceration rate, by race 58, 61

Inmate expenditures 119

Inmates, jail 118

Inmates, prison 47-51

J-L (back to top)

Jail inmates 118, 119

Judges, salaries of 182-184

Judgeships, U.S. district court 303, 304

Judicial and legal services, expenditures for 170-178

Justice activities, expenditures for 139-147

Justice system, payroll 179-181

Juvenile arrests 186-237

Juvenile arrests, aggravated assault 203-205

Juvenile arrests, arson 218, 219

Juvenile arrests, burglary 209-211

Juvenile arrests, driving under influence 224-226

Juvenile arrests, drug abuse violations 227-229

Juvenile arrests, larceny and theft 212-214

Juvenile arrests, motor vehicle theft 215-217

Juvenile arrests, murder 194-196

Juvenile arrests, offenses against families and children 236-238

Juvenile arrests, property crime 206-208

Juvenile arrests, prostitution and commercialized vice 233-235

Juvenile arrests, rape 197-199

Juvenile arrests, robbery 200-202

Juvenile arrests, sex offenses 230-232

Juvenile arrests, violent crime 191-193

Juvenile arrests, weapons violations 221-223

Juvenile custody rate 243

Juveniles, in alcohol and drug treatment 248, 249

Juveniles, in custody 242-245

Knives, crimes involving 340, 341, 358, 359, 373, 374

Larcenies and thefts, time between 391

Larceny and theft, 1993: 498-501

Larceny and theft, arrests for 19, 20, 212-214

Larceny and theft, clearances 45

Larceny and theft, in rural areas 451-453

Larceny and theft, in urban areas 448-450

Larceny and theft, juvenile arrests for 212-214

Larceny and theft, number of 390, 392, 448, 451, 498, 499

Larceny and theft, rate 393, 394, 449, 452, 500, 501

Law enforcement agencies 270

Law enforcement officers, by sex 283-285

Law enforcement officers 262, 263, 268, 269, 274-276, 279-285, 287-289, 293, 294, 297-299

Legal and judicial services, expenditures for 170-178

Local and state government expenditures, corrections 157-169

Local and state government expenditures, judicial and legal services 170-178

Local and state government expenditures, justice activities 140-147

Local and state government expenditures, police protection 148-156

Local police department employment 286-290

M-O (back to top)

Male correctional officers 112

Male law enforcement officers 283

Males, in drug and alcohol treatment 122, 123

Males under sentence of death 64

Marijuana, usage by teens 247

Motor vehicle theft, 1994: 502-505

Motor vehicle theft, arrests for 21, 22, 215-217

Motor vehicle theft, clearances 46

Motor vehicle theft, in rural areas 457-459

Motor vehicle theft, in urban areas 454-456

Motor vehicle theft, juvenile arrests for 215-217

Motor vehicle thefts, number of 395, 397, 454, 457, 502, 503

Motor vehicle theft, rate 398, 399, 455, 458, 504, 505

Motor vehicle theft, time between 396

Murder, 1994: 474-477

Murder, arrests for 7, 8, 194-196

Murder, clearances 39

Murder, in rural areas 415-417

Murder, in urban areas 412-414

Murder, juvenile arrests for 194-196

Murder, number of 325, 327, 330, 332, 333, 336, 338, 340, 342, 412, 415, 474, 475

Murder, rate 328, 329, 331, 334, 413, 416, 476, 477

Murder, time between 326

Murder, weapon used 330-343

Neglect, child victims of 250, 251, 258-261

Neglect and abuse, fatalities from 260, 261

Offenses, crime index 3, 4, 188-189

Officers, by sex 283-285

Officers, correctional 109-113

Officers, federal 262, 263

Officers killed 301, 302

Officers, law enforcement 262, 263, 268, 269, 274-276, 279-285, 287-289, 293, 294, 297-299

Officers, local police 287-290

Officers, sheriffs’ depts. 291-295

Officers, special police 296-300

Officers, state law enforcement 279-285

Overturned death sentences 74, 75

P-R (back to top)

Parole, prisoners released on 83

Parole, violators returned to prison 78

Payroll, corrections 181

Payroll, police 180

Police, government expenditures for 148-156

Police, payroll 180

Police, special 296-300

Prison capacities 52

Prison employees 107-113

Prisoner deaths, by AIDS 94-96

Prisoner deaths, by illness 90-93

Prisoner deaths, by suicide 99-100

Prisoner deaths 90-96, 99, 100

Prisoner releases, conditional 81-85

Prisoner releases, on appeal or bond 88

Prisoner releases, parole 83

Prisoner releases, probation 84

Prisoner releases, supervised mandatory release 85

Prisoner releases, unconditional 86, 87

Prisoner releases 81-87

Prisoners, by race 57-62, 67-70

Prisoners, by sex 53-56, 64-66

Prisoners, change in number 48

Prisoners, change in rate 51

Prisoners, escaped 79, 89

Prisoners, executed 71, 72

Prisoners, female 54-56, 65, 66

Prisoners, under death sentence 63-70

Probation, adults on 103, 104

Probation, prisoners released on 84

Property crime, 1994: 490-505

Property crime, arrests for 15, 16, 206-208

Property crime, average time between 380

Property crime, clearances 43

Property crime, juvenile arrests for 206-208

Property crime, number of 379, 382, 436, 439, 490, 491

Property crime, per square mile 381

Property crime, rate 383, 384, 437, 440, 492, 493

Property crime, rural 439-441

Property crime, universities and colleges 464, 465

Property crime, urban 436-438

Prostitution, arrests for 33, 34, 233-235

Prostitution, juvenile arrests for 233-235

Rape, 1994: 478-481

Rape, arrests for 9, 10, 197-199

Rape, clearances 40

Rape, in rural areas 421-423

Rape, in urban areas 418-420

Rape, juvenile arrests for 197-199

Rape, number of 344, 346, 418, 421, 478, 479

Rape, rate 347, 348, 419, 422, 480, 481

Rape, time between 345

Releases, from prisons 80-88

Rifles, murders involving 336, 337

Robbery, 1994: 482-485

Robbery, arrests for 11, 12, 200-202

Robbery, bank 364

Robbery, by weapon used 355-363

Robbery, clearances 41

Robbery, in rural areas 427-429

Robbery, in urban areas 424-246

Robbery, juvenile arrests for 200-202

Robbery, number of 350, 352, 355, 358, 360, 362, 364, 424, 427, 482, 483

Robbery, rate 353, 354, 356, 425, 428, 484, 485

Robbery, time between 351

Rural crime 403-405, 409-411, 415-417, 421-423, 427-429, 433-435, 439-441, 445-447, 452-453, 457-459

S-U (back to top)

Salaries, judges 182-184

Sex offenses, arrests for 31, 32, 230-232

Sex offenses, juvenile arrests for 230-232

Sexual abuse, children 254, 255

School, weapons at 240,241

Sheriffs' department employees 291-295

Sheriffs' departments 291

Shotguns, murders involving 338, 339

Special police 296-298

State & local government expenditures, corrections 157-169

State & local government expenditures, judicial and legal services 170-178

State & local government expenditures, justice activities 139-147

State and local government expenditures, police protection 148-156

State law enforcement officers 279-285

Suicides, prisoner 99, 100

Supervised mandatory releases 85

Theft and larceny, 1993 498-501

Theft and larceny, clearances 45

Theft and larceny, in rural areas 451-453

Theft and larceny, in urban areas 448-450

Theft and larceny, number of 390, 392, 448, 451, 498, 499

Theft and larceny, rate 393, 394, 449, 452, 500, 501

Thefts and larceny, time between 391

Unconditional prison releases 86, 87

University and college crime 460-465

Urban crime 400-402, 407, 408, 412-414, 418-420, 424-426, 430-432, 436-438, 442-444, 448-450, 454-456

V-Z (back to top)

Vice and prostitution, arrests 33, 34, 233-235

Vice and prostitution, juvenile arrests 233-235

Violent crime, 1994: 470-474

Violent crime, arrests for 5, 6, 191-193

Violent crime, clearances 38

Violent crime, juvenile arrests 191-193

Violent crime, number of 315, 317, 318, 321, 406, 409, 470, 471

Violent crime, per square mile 318

Violent crime, rates 319, 320, 322, 407, 410, 472, 473

Violent crime, rural 409-411

Violent crime, universities and colleges 462, 463

Violent crime, urban 406-408

Weapons, and violent crime 321-323

Weapons at school 240,241

Weapons violations, arrests for 25, 26, 221-223

Weapons violations, juvenile arrests for 221-223

White juvenile custody rate 244

White state prisoners 57-59, 67, 68

White prisoners under death sentence 67, 68

Wiretaps 308