(back to top)1) Births in 1998
2) Birth Rate in 1998
3) Births in 1997
4) Birth Rate in 1997
5) Births in 1990
6) Birth Rate in 1990
7) Births in 1980
8) Birth Rate in 1980
9) Fertility Rate in 1998
10) Births to White Women in 1998
11) White Births as a Percent of All Births in 1998
12) Births to Black Women in 1998
13) Black Births as a Percent of All Births in 1998
14) Births of Low Birthweight in 1998
15) Births of Low Birthweight as a Percent of All Births in 1998
16) Births of Low Birthweight of White Women in 1998
17) Births of Low Birthweight to White Women as a Percent of All Births to White Women in 1998
18) Births of Low Birthweight to Black Women in 1998
19) Births of Low Birthweight to Black Women as a Percent of All Births to Black Women in 1998
20) Births to Unmarried Women in 1998
21) Births to Unmarried Women as a Percent of All Births in 1998
22) Births to Unmarried White Women in 1998
23) Births to Unmarried White Women as a Percent of All Births to White Women in 1998
24) Births to Unmarried Black Women in 1998
25) Births to Unmarried Black Women as a Percent of All Births to Black Women in 1998
26) Births to Teenage Mothers in 1998
27) Percent of Births to Teenage Mothers in 1998
28) Births to Teenage Mothers in 1997
29) Teenage Birth Rate in 1997
30) Births to Teenage Mothers as a Percent of Live Births in 1997
31) Births to White Teenage Mothers in 1997
32) Births to White Teenage Mothers as a Percent of White Births in 1997
33) Births to Black Teenage Mothers in 1997
34) Births to Black Teenage Mothers as a Percent of Black Births in 1997
35) Pregnancy Rate for 15 to 19 Year Old Women in 1996
36) Percent Change in Pregnancy Rate for 15 to 19 Year Old Women: 1992 to 1996
37) Births to Teenage Mothers in 1990
38) Teenage Birth Rate in 1990
39) Percent Change in Teenage Birth Rate: 1990 to 1997
40) Births to Teenage Mothers in 1980
41) Teenage Birth Rate in 1980
42) Births to Women 35 to 49 Years Old in 1997
43) Births to Women 35 to 49 Years Old as a Percent of All Births in 1997
44) Multiple Birth Rate in 1997
45) Percent Change in Multiple Birth Rate: 1993 to 1997
46) Births by Vaginal Delivery in 1997
47) Percent of Births by Vaginal Delivery in 1997
48) Births by Cesarean Delivery in 1997
49) Percent of Births by Cesarean Delivery in 1997
50) Percent Change in Rate of Cesarean Births: 1993 to 1997
51) Births by Vaginal Delivery After a Previous Cesarean Delivery (VBAC) in 1997
52) Percent of Vaginal Births After a Cesarean (VBAC) in 1997
53) Percent of Mothers Beginning Prenatal Care in First Trimester in 1998
54) Percent of White Mothers Beginning Prenatal Care in First Trimester in 1998
55) Percent of Black Mothers Beginning Prenatal Care in First Trimester in 1998
56) Percent of Mothers Receiving Late or No Prenatal Care in 1997
57) Percent of White Mother Receiving Late or No Prenatal Care in 1997
58) Percent of Black Mothers Receiving Late or No Prenatal Care in 1997
59) Percent of Births Attended by Midwives in 1997
ABORTIONS (back to top)
60) Reported Legal Abortions in 1996
61) Reported Legal Abortions per 1,000 Live Births in 1996
62) Reported Legal Abortions per 1,000 Women Ages 15 to 44 in 1996
63) Percent of Legal Abortions Obtained by Out-Of-State Residents in 1996
64) Percent of Reported Legal Abortions Obtained by White Women in 1996
65) Percent of Reported Legal Abortions Obtained by Black Women in 1996
66) Percent of Reported Legal Abortions Obtained by Married Women in 1996
67) Percent of Reported Legal Abortions Obtained by Unmarried Women in 1996
68) Reported Legal Abortions Obtained by Teenagers in 1996
69) Percent of Reported Legal Abortions Obtained by Teenagers in 1996
70) Reported Legal Abortions Obtained by Teenagers 17 Years and Younger in 1996
71) Percent of Reported Legal Abortions Obtained by Teenagers 17 Years and Younger in 1996
72) Percent of Teenage Abortions Obtained by Teenagers 17 Years and Younger in 1996
73) Reported Legal Abortions Performed at 12 Weeks or Less of Gestation in 1996
74) Percent of Reported Legal Abortions Performed at 12 Weeks or Less of Gestation in 1996
75) Reported Legal Abortions Performed at or After 21 Weeks of Gestation in 1996
76) Percent of Reported Legal Abortions Performed at or After 21 Weeks of Gestation in 1996
II. DEATHS (back to top)
77) Deaths in 1998
78) Death Rate in 1998
79) Age-Adjusted Death Rate in 1998
80) Births to Deaths Ratio in 1998
81) Deaths in 1990
82) Death Rate in 1990
83) Deaths in 1980
84) Death Rate in 1980
85) Infant Deaths in 1999
86) Infant Mortality Rate in 1999
87) Infant Deaths in 1997
88) Infant Mortality Rate in 1997
89) Infant Mortality Rate in 1990
90) Infant Mortality Rate in 1980
91) Percent Change in Infant Mortality Rate: 1990 to 1997
92) Percent Change in Infant Mortality Rate: 1980 to 1997
93) White Infant Deaths in 1997
94) White Infant Mortality Rate in 1997
95) Black Infant Deaths in 1997
96) Black Infant Mortality Rate in 1997
97) Percent Change in White Infant Mortality Rate: 1990 to 1997
98) Percent Change in Black Infant Mortality Rate: 1990 to 1997
99) Neonatal Deaths in 1997
100) Neonatal Death Rate in 1997
101) White Neonatal Deaths in 1997
102) White Neonatal Death Rate in 1997
103) Black Neonatal Deaths in 1997
104) Black Neonatal Death Rate in 1997
105) Deaths by AIDS Through 1997
106) Deaths by AIDS in 1997
107) Death Rate by AIDS in 1997
108) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by AIDS in 1997
109) Estimated Deaths by Cancer in 2000
110) Estimated Death Rate by Cancer in 2000
111) Estimated Deaths by Female Breast Cancer in 2000
112) Estimated Death Rate by Female Breast Cancer in 2000
113) Estimated Deaths by Colon and Rectum Cancer in 2000
114) Estimated Death Rate by Colon and Rectum Cancer in 2000
115) Estimated Deaths by Leukemia in 2000
116) Estimated Death Rate by Leukemia in 2000
117) Estimated Deaths by Liver Cancer in 2000
118) Estimated Death Rate by Liver Cancer in 2000
119) Estimated Deaths by Lung Cancer in 2000
120) Estimated Death Rate by Lung Cancer in 2000
121) Estimated Deaths by Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2000
122) Estimated Death Rate by Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2000
123) Estimated Deaths by Pancreatic Cancer in 2000
124) Estimated Death Rate by Pancreatic Cancer in 2000
125) Estimated Deaths by Prostate Cancer in 2000
126) Estimated Death Rate by Prostate Cancer in 2000
127) Estimated Deaths by Ovarian Cancer in 2000
128) Estimated Death Rate by Ovarian Cancer in 2000
129) Estimated Deaths by Stomach Cancer in 2000
130) Estimated Death Rate by Stomach Cancer in 2000
131) Deaths by Alzheimer's Disease in 1997
132) Death Rate by Alzheimer's Disease in 1997
133) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Alzheimer's Disease in 1997
134) Deaths by Atherosclerosis in 1997
135) Death Rate by Atherosclerosis in 1997
136) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Atherosclerosis in 1997
137) Deaths by Cerebrovascular Diseases in 1997
138) Death Rate by Cerebrovascular Diseases in 1997
139) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Cerebrovascular Diseases in 1997
140) Deaths by Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis in 1997
141) Death Rate by Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis in 1997
142) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis in 1997
143) Deaths by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases in 1997
144) Death Rate by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases in 1997
145) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases in 1997
146) Deaths by Diabetes Mellitus in 1997
147) Death Rate by Diabetes Mellitus in 1997
148) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Diabetes Mellitus in 1997
149) Deaths by Diseases of the Heart in 1997
150) Death Rate by Diseases of the Heart in 1997
151) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Diseases of the Heart in 1997
152) Death by Malignant Neoplasms in 1997
153) Death Rate by Malignant Neoplasms in 1997
154) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Malignant Neoplasms in 1997
155) Deaths by Pneumonia and Influenza in 1997
156) Death Rate by Pneumonia and Influenza in 1997
157) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Pneumonia and Influenza in 1997
158) Deaths by Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth in 1997
159) Death Rate by Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth in 2000
160) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth in 1997
161) Deaths by Tuberculosis in 1997
162) Death Rate by Tuberculosis in 1997
163) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Tuberculosis in 1997
164) Deaths by Injury in 1997
165) Death Rate by Injury in 1997
166) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Injury in 1997
167) Deaths by Accidents in 1997
168) Death Rate by Accidents in 1997
169) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Accidents in 1997
170) Deaths by Motor Vehicle Accidents in 1997
171) Death Rate by Motor Vehicle Accidents in 1997
172) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Motor Vehicle Accidents in 1997
173) Deaths by Homicide in 1997
174) Death Rate by Homicide in 1997
175) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Homicide in 1997
176) Deaths by Suicide in 1997
177) Death Rate by Suicide in 1997
178) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Suicide in 1997
179) Years Lost by Premature Death in 1997
180) Years Lost by Premature Death from Cancer in 1997
181) Years Lost by Premature Death from Heart Disease in 1997
182) Years Lost by Premature Death from Homicide in 1997
183) Years Lost by Premature Death from Suicide in 1997
184) Years Lost by Premature Death from Unintentional Injuries in 1997
185) Average Annual Years of Potential Life Lost Due to Smoking: 1990-94
186) Average Annual Deaths Due to Smoking: 1990-1994
187) Average Annual Death Rate Due to Smoking: 1990-1994
188) Alcohol-Induced Deaths in 1997
189) Death Rate from Alcohol-Induced Deaths in 1997
190) Age-Adjusted Death Rate from Alcohol-Induced Deaths in 1997
191) Drug-Induced Deaths in 1997
192) Death Rate from Drug-Induced Deaths in 1997
193) Age-Adjusted Death Rate from Drug-Induced Deaths in 1997
194) Occupational Fatalities in 1998
195) Occupational Fatalities per 100,000 Workers in 1998
III. FACILITIES (back to top)
196) Community Hospitals in 1998
197) Rate of Community Hospitals in 1998
198) Community Hospitals per 1,000 Square Miles in 1998
199) Community Hospitals in Urban Areas in 1998
200) Percent of Community Hospitals in Urban Areas in 1998
201) Community Hospitals in Rural Areas in 1998
202) Percent of Community Hospitals in Rural Areas in 1998
203) Nongovernment Not-For-Profit Hospitals in 1998
204) Investor-Owned (For-Profit) Hospitals in 1998
205) State and Local Government-Owned Hospitals in 1998
206) Beds in Community Hospitals in 1998
207) Rate of Beds in Community Hospitals in 1998
208) Average Number of Beds per Community Hospital in 1998
209) Admissions to Community Hospitals in 1998
210) Inpatient Days in Community Hospitals in 1998
211) Average Daily Census in Community Hospitals in 1998
212) Average Stay in Community Hospitals in 1998
213) Occupancy Rate in Community Hospitals in 1998
214) Outpatient Visits to Community Hospitals in 1998
215) Emergency Outpatient Visits to Community Hospitals in 1998
216) Surgical Operations in Community Hospitals in 1998
217) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Facilities in 2000
218) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Hospitals in 2000
219) Beds in Medicare and Medicaid Certified Hospitals in 2000
220) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Children's Hospitals in 2000
221) Beds in Medicare and Medicaid Certified Children's Hospitals in 2000
222) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Rehabilitation Hospitals in 2000
223) Beds in Medicare and Medicaid Certified Rehabilitation Hospitals in 2000
224) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Psychiatric Hospitals in 2000
225) Beds in Medicare and Medicaid Certified Psychiatric Hospitals in 2000
226) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Community Mental Health Centers in 2000
227) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Outpatient Physical Therapy Facilities in 2000
228) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Rural Health Clinics in 2000
229) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Home Health Agencies in 2000
230) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Hospices in 2000
231) Hospice Patients in Residential Facilities in 2000
232) Medicare and Medicaid Certified Nursing Care Facilities in 2000
233) Beds in Medicare and Medicaid Certified Nursing Care Facilities in 2000
234) Rate of Beds in Medicare and Medicaid Certified Nursing Care Facilities in 2000
235) Nursing Home Occupancy Rate in 1997
236) Nursing Home Resident Rate in 1997
237) Nursing Home Population 85 Years Old and Older in 1997
238) Health Service Establishments in 1997
239) Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine in 1997
240) Offices and Clinics of Dentists in 1997
241) Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy in 1997
242) Offices and Clinics of Chiropractors in 1997
243) Offices and Clinics of Optometrists in 1997
244) Offices and Clinics of Podiatrists in 1997
IV. FINANCE (back to top)
245) National Health Care Expenditures in 1998
246) Personal Health Care Expenditures in 1993
247) Health Care Expenditures as a Percent of Gross State Product in 1993
248) Per Capita Personal Health Care Expenditures in 1993
249) Percent Change in Personal Health Care Expenditures: 1990 to 1993
250) Percent Change in Per Capita Expenditures for Personal Health Care: 1990 to 1993
251) Average Annual Change in Expenditures for Personal Health Care: 1980 to 1993
252) Average Annual Change in Per Capita Expenditures for Personal Health Care: 1980 to 1993
253) Expenditures for Hospital Care in 1993
254) Percent of Total Personal Health Care Expenditures Spent on Hospital Care in 1993
255) Per Capita Expenditures for Hospital Care in 1993
256) Percent Change in Expenditures for Hospital Care: 1990 to 1993
257) Percent Change in Per Capita Expenditures for Hospital Care: 1990 to 1993
258) Average Annual Change in Expenditures for Hospital Care: 1980 to 1993
259) Average Annual Change in Per Capita Expenditures for Hospital Care: 1980 to 1993
260) Expenditures for Physician Services in 1993
261) Percent of Total Personal Health Care Expenditures Spent on Physician Services in 1993
262) Per Capita Expenditures for Physician Services in 1993
263) Percent Change in Expenditures for Physician Services: 1990 to 1993
264) Percent Change in Per Capita Expenditures for Physician Services: 1990 to 1993
265) Average Annual Change in Expenditures for Physician Services: 1980 to 1993
266) Average Annual Change in Per Capita Expenditures for Physician Services: 1980 to 1993
267) Expenditures for Prescription Drugs in 1993
268) Percent of Total Personal Health Care Expenditures Spent on Prescription Drugs in 1993
269) Per Capita Expenditures for Prescription Drugs in 1993
270) Percent Change in Expenditures for Prescription Drugs: 1990 to 1993
271) Percent Change in Per Capita Expenditures for Prescription Drugs: 1990 to 1993
272) Average Annual Change in Expenditures for Prescription Drugs: 1980 to 1993
273) Average Annual Change in Per Capita Expenditures for Prescription Drugs: 1980 to 1993
274) Expenditures for Dental Service in 1993
275) Percent of Total Personal Health Care Expenditures Spent on Dental Service in 1993
276) Per Capita Expenditures for Dental Service in 1993
277) Expenditures for Other Professional Health Care Services in 1993
278) Percent of Total Personal Health Care Expenditures Spent on Other Professional Services in 1993
279) Per Capita Expenditures for Other Professional Health Care Services in 1993
280) Expenditures for Home Health Care in 1993
281) Percent of Total Personal Health Care Expenditures Spent on Home Health Care in 1993
282) Per Capita Expenditures for Home Health Care in 1993
283) Expenditures for Drugs and Other Medical Non-Durables in 1993
284) Percent of Total Personal Health Care Expenditures Spent on Drugs and Other Medical Non-Durables in 1993
285) Expenditures for Other Professional Health Care Services in 1993
286) Expenditures for Vision Products and Other Medical Durables in 1993
287) Percent of Total Personal Health Care Expenditures Spent on Vision Products and Other Medical Durables in 1993
288) Per Capita Expenditures for Vision Products and Other Medical Durables in 1993
289) Expenditures for Nursing Home Care in 1993
290) Percent of Total Personal Health Care Expenditures Spent on Nursing Home Care in 1993
291) Per Capita Expenditures for Nursing Home Care in 1993
292) Persons Not Covered by Health Insurance in 1998
293) Percent of Population Not Covered by Health Insurance in 1998
294) Persons Covered by Health Insurance in 1998
295) Percent of Population Covered by Health Insurance in 1998
296) Persons Not Covered by Health Insurance in 1994
297) Percent of Population Not Covered by Health Insurance in 1994
298) Change in Number of Persons Uninsured: 1994 to 1998
299) Percent Change in Number of Uninsured: 1994 to 1998
300) Change in Percent of Population Uninsured: 1994 to 1998
301) Percent of Population Covered by Private Health Insurance in 1998
302) Percent of Population Covered by Government Health Insurance in 1998
303) Percent of Population Covered by Military Health Insurance in 1998
304) Percent of Children Not Covered by Health Insurance in 1998
305) State Children's Health Insurance Program Enrollment in 1999
306) Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) in 1995
307) Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) in 1999
308) Enrollees in Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) in 1999
309) Percent Change in Enrollees in Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs): 1998 to 1999
310) Percent of Population Enrolled in Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) in 1999
311) Percent of Insured Population Enrolled in Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) in 1999
312) Medicare Benefit Payments in 1998
313) Medicare Enrollees in 1998
314) Medicare Payments per Enrollee in 1998
315) Percent of Population Enrolled in Medicare in 1998
316) Medicare Managed Care Enrollees in 2000
317) Percent of Medicare Enrollees in Managed Care Programs in 2000
318) Medicare Physicians in 1998
319) Percent of Physicians Participating in Medicare in 1997
320) Medicaid Expenditures in 1997
321) Percent Change in Medicaid Expenditures: 1990 to 1997
322) Medicaid Recipients in 1997
323) Percent Change in Number of Medicaid Recipients: 1990 to 1997
324) Medicaid Cost per Recipient in 1997
325) Percent Change in Cost per Medicaid Recipient: 1990 to 1997
326) Federal Medicaid Matching Fund Rate for 2000
327) Percent of Population Receiving Medicaid in 1998
328) Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment in 1998
329) Percent of Medicaid Enrollees in Managed Care in 1998
330) Estimated State Funds from the Tobacco Settlement Through 2025
331) State Government Expenditures for Health Programs in 1997
332) Per Capita State Government Expenditures for Health Programs in 1997
333) State Government Expenditures for Hospitals in 1997
334) Per Capita State Government Expenditures for Hospitals in 1997
335) Payroll of Health Service Establishments in 1997
336) Average Pay per Health Service Establishment Employee in 1997
337) Receipts of Health Services Establishments in 1997
338) Receipts per Health Service Establishment in 1997
339) Receipts of Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine in 1997
340) Receipts per Office or Clinic of Doctors of Medicine in 1997
341) Receipts of Offices and Clinics of Dentists in 1997
342) Receipts per Office or Clinic of Dentists in 1997
343) Receipts of Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy in 1997
344) Receipts per Office or Clinic of Doctors of Osteopathy in 1997
345) Receipts of Offices and Clinics of Chiropractors in 1997
346) Receipts per Office or Clinic of Chiropractors in 1997
347) Receipts of Offices and Clinics of Optometrists in 1997
348) Receipts per Office or Clinic of Optometrists in 1997
349) Receipts of Offices and Clinics of Podiatrists in 1997
350) Receipts per Office or Clinic of Podiatrists in 1997
351) Receipts of Hospitals in 1997
352) Receipts per Hospital in 1997
V. INCIDENCE OF DISEASE (back to top) 353) Estimated New Cancer Cases in 2000354) Estimated Rate of New Cancer Cases in 2000
355) Estimated New Cases of Bladder Cancer in 2000
356) Estimated Rate of New Cases of Bladder Cancer in 2000
357) Estimated New Female Breast Cancer Cases in 2000
358) Estimated Rate of New Female Breast Cancer Cases in 2000
359) Percent of Women 40 and Older Who Have Ever Had a Mammogram: 1998
360) Estimated New Colon and Rectum Cancer Cases in 2000
361) Estimated Rate of New Colon and Rectum Cancer Cases in 2000
362) Estimated New Cancer of the Kidney Cases in 2000
363) Estimated Rate of New Cancer of the Kidney Cases in 2000
364) Estimated New Lung Cancer Cases in 2000
365) Estimated Rate of New Lung Cancer Cases in 2000
366) Estimated New Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cases in 2000
367) Estimated Rate of New Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cases in 2000
368) Estimated New Prostate Cancer Cases in 2000
369) Estimated Rate of New Prostate Cancer Cases in 2000
370) Estimated New Skin Melanoma Cases in 2000
371) Estimated Rate of New Skin Melanoma Cases in 2000
372) Estimated New Cancer of the Uterus (Cervix) Cases in 2000
373) Estimated Rate of New Cancer of the Uterus (Cervix) Cases in 2000
374) Percent of Women 18 Years and Older Who Had a Pap Smear Within the Past Three Years: 1998
375) AIDS Cases Reported in 1999
376) AIDS Rate in 1999
377) AIDS Cases Reported Through June 1999
378) AIDS Cases in Children 12 Years and Younger Through June 1999
379) E-Coli Cases Reported in 1999
380) E-Coli Rate in 1999
381) German Measles (Rubella) Cases Reported in 1999
382) German Measles (Rubella) Rate in 1999
383) Hepatitis (Viral) Cases Reported in 1999
384) Hepatitis (Viral) Rate in 1999
385) Legionellosis Cases Reported in 1999
386) Legionellosis Rate in 1999
387) Lyme Disease Cases in 1999
388) Lyme Disease Rate in 1999
389) Malaria Cases Reported in 1999
390) Malaria Rate in 1999
391) Measles (Rubeola) Cases Reported in 1999
392) Measles (Rubeola) Rate in 1999
393) Meningococcal Infections Reported in 1999
394) Meningococcal Infection Rate in 1999
395) Mumps Cases Reported in 1999
396) Mumps Rate in 1999
397) Rabies (Animal) Cases Reported in 1999
398) Rabies (Animal) Rate in 1999
399) Salmonellosis Cases Reported in 1999
400) Salmonellosis Rate in 1999
401) Shigellosis Cases Reported in 1999
402) Shigellosis Rate in 1999
403) Tuberculosis Cases Reported in 1999
404) Tuberculosis Rate in 1999
405) Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Cases Reported in 1999
406) Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Rate in 1999
407) Percent of Children Aged 19 to 35 Months Fully Immunized in 1997
408) Sexually Transmitted Diseases in 1998
409) Sexually Transmitted Disease Rate in 1998
410) Chancroid Cases Reported in 1998
411) Chancroid Rate in 1998
412) Chlamydia Cases Reported in 1998
413) Chlamydia Rate in 1998
414) Gonorrhea Cases Reported in 1998
415) Gonorrhea Rate in 1998
416) Syphilis Cases Reported in 1998
417) Syphilis Rate in 1998
VI. PROVIDERS (back to top)
418) Physicians in 1998
419) Male Physicians in 1998
420) Female Physicians in 1998
421) Percent of Physicians Who Are Female: 1998
422) Physicians Under 35 Years Old in 1998
423) Percent of Physicians Under 35 Years Old in 1998
424) Physicians 35 to 44 Years Old in 1998
425) Physicians 45 to 54 Years Old in 1998
426) Physicians 55 to 64 Years Old in 1998
427) Physicians 65 Years Old and Older in 1998
428) Percent of Physicians 65 Years Old and Older in 1998
429) Federal Physicians in 1998
430) Rate of Federal Physicians in 1998
431) Nonfederal Physicians in 1998
432) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in 1998
433) Nonfederal Physicians in Patient Care in 1998
434) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Patient Care in 1998
435) Physicians in Primary Care in 1998
436) Rate of Physicians in Primary Care in 1998
437) Percent of Physicians in Primary Care in 1998
438) Percent of Population Lacking Access to Primary Care in 1999
439) Nonfederal Physicians in General/Family Practice in 1998
440) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in General/Family Practice in 1998
441) Percent of Family Physicians Who Practice Pediatrics in 1998
442) Percent of Family Physicians Who Practice Obstetrics in 1998
443) Percent of Nonfederal Physicians Who Are Specialists in 1998
444) Nonfederal Physicians in Medical Specialties in 1998
445) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Medical Specialties in 1998
446) Nonfederal Physicians in Internal Medicine in 1998
447) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Internal Medicine in 1998
448) Nonfederal Physicians in Pediatrics in 1998
449) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Pediatrics in 1998
450) Nonfederal Physicians in Surgical Specialties in 1998
451) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Surgical Specialties in 1998
452) Nonfederal Physicians in General Surgery in 1998
453) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in General Surgery in 1998
454) Nonfederal Physicians in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1998
455) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1998
456) Nonfederal Physicians in Ophthalmology in 1998
457) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Ophthalmology in 1998
458) Nonfederal Physicians in Orthopedic Surgery in 1998
459) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Orthopedic Surgery in 1998
460) Nonfederal Physicians in Plastic Surgery in 1998
461) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Plastic Surgery in 1998
462) Nonfederal Physicians in Other Specialties in 1998
463) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Other Specialties in 1998
464) Nonfederal Physicians in Anesthesiology in 1998
465) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Anesthesiology in 1998
466) Nonfederal Physicians in Psychiatry in 1998
467) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in Psychiatry in 1998
468) Percent of Population Lacking Access to Mental Health Care in 1999
469) International Medical School Graduates Practicing in the U.S. in 1998
470) Rate of International Medical School Graduates Practicing in the U.S. in 1998
471) International Medical School Graduates as a Percent of Nonfederal Physicians in 1998
472) Osteopathic Physicians in 1999
473) Rate of Osteopathic Physicians in 1999
474) Podiatric Physicians in 1999
475) Rate of Podiatric Physicians in 1999
476) Doctors of Chiropractic in 1998
477) Rate of Doctors of Chiropractic in 1998
478) Physician Assistants in Clinical Practice in 2000
479) Rate of Physician Assistants in Clinical Practice in 2000
480) Registered Nurses in 1996
481) Rate of Registered Nurses in 1996
482) Dentists in 1997
483) Rate of Dentists in 1997
484) Percent of Population Lacking Access to Dental Care in 1999
485) Employment in Health Services Industries in 1997
486) Users of Exercise Equipment in 1998
487) Participants in Golf in 1998
488) Participants in Running/Jogging in 1998
489) Participants in Soccer in 1998
490) Participants in Swimming in 1998
491) Participants in Tennis in 1998
492) Alcohol Consumption in 1997
493) Adult Per Capita Alcohol Consumption in 1997
494) Percent of Adults Who Abstain from Drinking Alcohol: 1997
495) Apparent Beer Consumption in 1997
496) Adult Per Capita Beer Consumption in 1997
497) Wine Consumption in 1997
498) Adult Per Capita Wine Consumption in 1997
499) Distilled Spirits Consumption in 1997
500) Adult Per Capita Apparent Distilled Spirits Consumption in 1997
501) Percent of Adults Who Are Binge Drinkers: 1997
502) Percent of Adults Who Smoke: 1998
503) Percent of Men Who Smoke: 1998
504) Percent of Women Who Smoke: 1998
505) Percent of Adults Who Smoke Cigars: 1998
506) Percent of Adults Overweight: 1998
507) Number of Days in Past Month When Physical Health was "Not Good": 1998
508) Average Number of Days in the Past Month When Mental Health was "Not Good": 1998
509) Percent of Adults Who Have Not Been Tested in Past Year for HIV: 1998
510) Percent of Adults Who Believe They Have a Chance of Getting HIV: 1998
511) Safety Belt Usage Rate in 1999
512) Percent of Adults Whose Children Use a Car Safety Seat: 1997
VIII. APPENDIX (back to top)
A-1) Population in 1999
A-2) Population in 1998
A-3) Male Population in 1998
A-4) Female Population in 1998
A-5) Population in 1993