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How Safe is Your City?
Find out how your city ranks in our 12th Annual America's Safest (and Most
Dangerous) Cities Award competition. For just $4.99, you can download a
28-page report
in PDF format that instantly provides you with city and metro crime data, rankings, methodology and other
important information about this year’s award. Order now and you can
immediately download the document to your own computer and read or print using
the free Acrobat Reader program. Click here for more details and to see if
your city is included.
The methodology for determining
Americas Safest City and Metro Area involves a multi-step process. First,
2004 city
and metro area crime rates per 100,000 population (the most recent comparable final
numbers available, released by the FBI in October 2005) for six basic crime categories
murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft
were plugged into a formula that measured how a particular city or metro area compared to
the national average for a given crime category. The outcome of this equation was then
multiplied by a weight assigned to each of the six crime categories. Each of the six crimes
was given equal weight. By weighting each crime equally,
cities are compared based purely on their crime rates and how they stack up to the
national average for a particular crime category. These weighted numbers then were added
together for a city or metro areas final score. Finally, these scores were ranked
from lowest to highest to determine which cities and metropolitan areas were safest and
most dangerous.
While this methodology appears rather
complicated, it results in fairer treatment because a city or metro areas crime
record is measured against the national average. The farther below the national average,
the higher (and better) a city or metro ranked in the final Safest Cities and Metros list;
the farther above the national average, the lower (and worse) a city or metro ranked in
the final list.
As in
our last seven years'
awards, all cities of
75,000 population or more that reported data for the six categories of crime measured for
the survey were included in the competition. In previous years, the population cut-off for
cities was 100,000+ population. There was no population minimum for metropolitan
areas. In all, 369 cities and 330 metro areas were included in the survey.
Word About Crime Rankings
Quitno’s annual rankings of crime in states, metro areas and cities are
considered by some in the law enforcement community as controversial.
The FBI, police and many criminologists caution against rankings according
to crime rates. They correctly point out that crime levels are affected by many different
factors, such as population density, composition of the population
(particularly the concentration of youth), climate, economic conditions,
strength of local law enforcement agencies, citizen’s attitudes toward
crime, cultural factors, education levels, crime reporting practices of
citizens and family cohesiveness. Accordingly,
crime rankings often are deemed “simplistic” or “incomplete.”
However, this criticism is largely based on the fact that there are reasons for the
differences in crime rates, not that the rates are incompatible. This would be somewhat akin to deciding not to compare athletes on
their speed in the 100-yard dash because of physical or training
differences. Such differences
help explain the different speeds but do not invalidate the comparisons.
To be sure, crime-ranking information must be considered carefully.
However the rankings tell not only an interesting, but also very
important story regarding the incidence of crime in the United States.
Furthermore, annual rankings not only allow for comparisons among
different states and cities, but also enable leaders to track their
communities’ crime trends from one year to the next.
certainly do not want to be irresponsible in our presentation of state and
city crime data. Our publications help concerned Americans learn how their communities fare in
the fight against crime. The
first step in making our cities and states safer is to understand the true
magnitude of their crime problems. This
will only be achieved through straightforward data that all of us can use
and understand.
This year, several
cities of 75,000+ population did not report complete crime information and thus
were not included in the Safest Cities rankings.
Chicago and Other Illinois Cities: For several years, rape numbers
submitted by cities in the state of Illinois have not met the FBI's Uniform
Crime Reporting (UCR) guidelines. This remains the case with 2004 crime data.
According to state statisticians, the state of Illinois tracks "sexual
assault," which includes not only female rapes, but also offenses such as
male rape, sodomy, etc. For these reasons, Chicago and other Illinois cities once again are not found in this year's Safest City
rankings. However, Chicago and other Illinois cities are included in our
book City Crime Rankings for all of the other crimes.
the past, our award has received criticism because it omits Chicago in its
rankings. While we understand this
concern, it is our view that it is more important that rape be considered an
important crime and kept in our methodology.
However, to see how Chicago might fare in our rankings, we calculated a
separate, internal ranking that took rape out of the formula.
Under this scenario, Chicago came in as the 49th most
dangerous city.
Brockton, Massachusetts;
Alexandria, Virginia and Warren, Michigan: These three cities are included in our
Crime Rankings book but are not part of the Safest City Award. This is
because numbers were not available for certain crimes through the Uniform Crime
Report. Brockton lacked numbers for aggravated assaults, Alexandria lacked burglary figures and Warren did not report motor vehicle thefts.
Other Cities: Crime
data for a number of other cities with populations larger than 75,000 are not
reported in this 12th annual Safest City Award. Crime
statistics for these cities are not included for a number of reasons, ranging
from general reporting difficulties and computer issues to changes in reporting
systems. Below is a list of cities
that the Census Bureau showed as having populations greater than 75,000 but for
which no 2004 crime information was available through the F.B.I.’s Uniform Crime
Heights IL |
Grove CA |
GA |
CO |
CA |
TX |
Hills CA |
NH |
IL |
Haven CT |
Heights CA |
VA |
IL |
CA |
FL |
CA |
Moines IA |
MI |
MN |
IL |
IL |
Counties: Certain areas are considered counties
only and are not included in our city rankings. An example would be
Arlington County, Virginia. Crime figures are available for Arlington but
are listed by the F.B.I. with the metropolitan and nonmetropolitan
counties. In Virginia, areas are either part of a city (e.g. Alexandria)
or a county but not both.
The metropolitan areas for which crime information is shown are
those which meet two criteria. First, at least 75% of all law enforcement agencies
must have reported crime statistics, and second, the central city/cities must have
submitted 12 months of data in 2004. There are several metro areas that did not meet
these criteria in 2004 and thus are not included in the report. Most notably, statistics
are not available for the metro areas of Chicago and Cleveland.
All metropolitan area listings are for Metropolitan Statistical Areas
(M.S.A.s) except for those ending with "M.D." Listings with "M.D." are Metropolitan
Divisions which are smaller parts of ten large M.S.A.s. These ten
M.S.A.s, further divided into M.D.s, are indicated by the word "(greater)"
following the name. An example is Dallas (greater) which includes the two M.D.s of Dallas-Plano and Fort Worth-Arlington.
M.S.A.s typically include a principal city and surrounding suburbs.