1) Date Each State Admitted to Statehood |
2) Number of Farms in 1998 |
3) Land in Farms in 1998 |
4) Average Number of Acres per Farm in 1998 |
5) Percent of Agricultural Land Foreign Owned in 1997 |
6) Average per Acre Value of Farmland and Buildings in 1999 |
7) Percent Change in Average per Acre Value of Farmland: 1998 to 1999 |
8) Net Farm Income in 1998 |
9) Farm Income: Cash Receipts from Commodities in 1998 |
10) Farm Income: Crops in 1998 |
11) Farm Income: Livestock in 1998 |
12) Farm Income: Government Payments in 1998 |
13) Acres Planted in 1999 |
14) Acres Harvested in 1999 |
15) Acres Harvested: Grain in 1999 |
16) Acres Harvested: Soybeans in 1999 |
17) Acres Harvested: Wheat in 1999 |
18) Cattle on Farms in 2000 |
19) Milk Cows on Farms in 1998 |
20) Milk Production in 1998 |
21) Milk Production per Milk Cow in 1998 |
22) Hogs and Pigs on Farms in 1999 |
23) Chickens in 1998 (Leading States Only) |
24) Eggs Produced in 1998 |
(back to top) |
25) Crimes in 1998 |
26) Percent Change in Number of Crimes: 1997 to 1998 |
27) Crime Rate in 1998 |
28) Percent Change in Crime Rate: 1997 to 1998 |
29) Violent Crimes in 1998 |
30) Percent Change in Number of Violent Crimes: 1997 to 1998 |
31) Violent Crime Rate in 1998 |
32) Percent Change in Violent Crime Rate: 1997 to 1998 |
33) Murders in 1998 |
34) Percent Change in Number of Murders: 1997 to 1998 |
35) Murder Rate in 1998 |
36) Murders with Firearms in 1998 |
37) Percent of Murders Involving Firearms in 1998 |
38) Murder Rate with Firearms in 1998 |
39) Rapes in 1998 |
40) Percent Change in Number of Rapes: 1997 to 1998 |
41) Rape Rate in 1998 |
42) Robberies in 1998 |
43) Percent Change in Number of Robberies: 1997 to 1998 |
44) Robbery Rate in 1998 |
45) Aggravated Assaults in 1998 |
46) Percent Change in Number of Aggravated Assaults: 1997 to 1998 |
47) Aggravated Assault Rate in 1998 |
48) Property Crimes in 1998 |
49) Percent Change in Number of Property Crimes: 1997 to 1998 |
50) Property Crime Rate in 1998 |
51) Percent Change in Property Crime Rate: 1997 to 1998 |
52) Burglaries in 1998 |
53) Percent Change in Number of Burglaries: 1997 to 1998 |
54) Burglary Rate in 1998 |
55) Larcenies and Thefts in 1998 |
56) Percent Change in Number of Larcenies and Thefts: 1997 to 1998 |
57) Larceny and Theft Rate in 1998 |
58) Motor Vehicle Thefts in 1998 |
59) Percent Change in Number of Motor Vehicle Thefts: 1997 to 1998 |
60) Motor Vehicle Theft Rate in 1998 |
61) Prisoners in State Correctional Institutions: Year End 1998 |
62) State Prisoner Incarceration Rate in 1998 |
63) Percent Change in Number of State Prisoners: 1997 to 1998 |
64) Prisoners Under Sentence of Death in 1998 |
65) Adults on State Parole in 1998 |
66) Adults on State Probation in 1998 |
67) Full-Time Sworn Officers in Law Enforcement Agencies in 1996 |
68) Rate of Full-Time Sworn Officers in Law Enforcement Agencies in 1996 |
69) State and Local Government Employees in Corrections in 1998 |
70) State and Local Government Employees in Corrections as a Percent of All State and Local Government Employees in 1998 |
71) State and Local Government Expenditures for Police Protection in 1996 |
72) Per Capita State & Local Government Expenditures for Police Protection: 1996 |
73) State and Local Government Expenditures for Corrections in 1996 |
74) Per Capita State and Local Government Expenditures for Corrections in 1996 |
75) U.S. Department of Defense Domestic Expenditures in 1998 |
76) Per Capita U.S. Department of Defense Domestic Expenditures in 1998 |
77) U.S. Department of Defense Total Contracts in 1998 |
78) Per Capita U.S. Department of Defense Contracts in 1998 |
79) U.S. Department of Defense Contracts for Military Functions in 1998 |
80) U.S. Department of Defense Contracts for Civil Functions in 1998 |
81) U.S. Department of Defense Domestic Personnel in 1998 |
82) U.S. Department of Defense Domestic Active Duty Military Personnel in 1998 |
83) U.S. Department of Defense Domestic Civilian Personnel in 1998 |
84) U.S. Department of Defense Reserve and National Guard Personnel in 1998 |
85) U.S. Department of Defense Total Compensation in 1998 |
86) U.S. Department of Defense Military Active Duty Pay in 1998 |
87) U.S. Department of Defense Civilian Pay in 1998 |
88) U.S. Department of Defense Reserve and National Guard Pay in 1998 |
89) U.S. Department of Defense Retired Military Pay in 1998 |
90) Veterans in 1999 |
91) Veterans per 1,000 Population 18 and Older in 1999 |
92) State Cost of Living in 1998 |
93) Gross State Product in 1997 |
94) Percent Change in Gross State Product: 1993 to 1997 |
95) Average Annual Percent Change in Gross State Product: 1993 to 1997 |
96) Per Capita Gross State Product in 1997 |
97) Average Annual Percent Change in Per Capita Gross State Product: 1993-1997 |
98) Projected Gross State Product in 2010 |
99) Projected Average Annual Growth in Gross State Product: 1997 to 2010 |
100) Fortune 500 Companies in 1999 |
101) New Business Incorporations in 1997 |
102) Percent Change in New Business Incorporations: 1996 to 1997 |
103) Business Failures in 1997 |
104) Business Failure Rate in 1997 |
105) Personal Income in 1998 |
106) Growth in Personal Income: 1997 to 1998 |
107) Per Capita Personal Income in 1998 |
108) Change in Per Capita Personal Income: 1997 to 1998 |
109) Per Capita Disposable Personal Income in 1998 |
110) Median Household Income in 1998 |
111) Per Capita Total Taxes in 1999 |
112) Per Capita Total Taxes as a Percent of Per Capita Personal Income in 1998 |
113) Bankruptcy Filings in 1999 |
114) Personal Bankruptcy Rate in 1999 |
115) Insured Commercial Banks in 1999 |
116) Assets of Insured Commercial Banks in 1999 |
117) Savings Institutions in 1999 |
118) Assets of Savings Institutions in 1999 |
119) Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in 1998 |
120) Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in 1998 |
121) School-Age Population as a Percent of Total Population in 1998 |
122) Enrollment in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in 1999 |
123) Private Elementary and Secondary Schools in 1998 |
124) Percent of Elementary/Secondary School Students in Private Schools in 1997 |
125) Pupil-Teacher Ratio in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in 1999 |
126) Teachers in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in 1999 |
127) Average Salary of Teachers in 1999 |
128) Public High School Graduates in 1999 |
129) Percent Change in Public High School Graduates: 1995 to 1999 |
130) Public High School Graduation Rate in 1999 |
131) Percent of Population Graduated from High School as of 1998 |
132) High School Dropout Rate in 1997 |
133) ACT Average Composite Scores in 1999 |
134) Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Scores in 1999 |
135) Education Expenditures by State and Local Governments in 1996 |
136) Per Capita State and Local Government Expenditures for Education in 1996 |
137) Expenditures for Education as a Percent of All State and Local Government Expenditures in 1996 |
138) Elementary and Secondary Education Expenditures by State and Local Governments in 1996 |
139) Per Capita State and Local Government Expenditures for Elementary and Secondary Education in 1996 |
140) Expenditures for Elementary and Secondary Education as a Percent of All State and Local Government Expenditures in 1996 |
141) Expenditures per Pupil in Elementary and Secondary Schools in 1999 |
142) Higher Education Expenditures by State and Local Governments in 1996 |
143) Per Capita State and Local Government Expenditures for Higher Education in 1996 |
144) Expenditures for Higher Education as a Percent of All State and Local Government Expenditures in 1996 |
145) Average Student Costs at Public Institutions of Higher Education in 1998 |
146) Average Student Costs at Private Institutions of Higher Education: 1998 |
147) Institutions of Higher Education in 1997 |
148) Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education in 1997 |
149) Enrollment in Public Institutions of Higher Education in 1997 |
150) Enrollment in Private Institutions of Higher Education in 1997 |
151) Percent of Population Graduated from College as of 1998 |
152) Public Libraries and Branches in 1996 |
153) Rate of Public Libraries and Branches in 1996 |
154) Books in Public Libraries Per Capita in 1996 |
155) State Art Agencies' Legislative Appropriations in 1999 |
156) Per Capita State Art Agencies' Legislative Appropriations in 1999 |
157) Federal Appropriations for Head Start Program in 1999 |
158) Enrollment in Head Start Program in 1998 |
159) Average Annual Pay in 1998 |
160) Percent Change in Average Annual Pay: 1997 to 1998 |
161) State Minimum Wage Rates in 2000 |
162) Average Hourly Earnings of Production Workers on Manufacturing Payrolls in 1999 |
163) Average Weekly Earnings of Production Workers on Manufacturing Payrolls in 1999 |
164) Average Work Week of Production Workers on Manufacturing Payrolls in 1999 |
165) Workers' Compensation Benefit Payments in 1996 |
166) Workers' Compensation Benefit Payment per Employee in 1996 |
167) Percent Change in Workers' Compensation Payments: 1995 to 1996 |
168) Civilian Labor Force in 1999 |
169) Employed Civilian Labor Force in 1999 |
170) Unemployed Civilian Labor Force in 1999 |
171) Unemployment Rate in 1999 |
172) Women in Civilian Labor Force in 1998 |
173) Percent of Women in the Civilian Labor Force in 1998 |
174) Percent of Civilian Labor Force Comprised of Women in 1998 |
175) Job Growth: 1998 to 1999 |
176) Employees on Nonfarm Payrolls in 1999 |
177) Employees in Construction in 1999 |
178) Percent of Nonfarm Employees in Construction in 1999 |
179) Employees in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate in 1999 |
180) Percent of Nonfarm Employees in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate in 1999 |
181) Employees in Government in 1999 |
182) Percent of Nonfarm Employees in Government in 1999 |
183) Employees in Manufacturing in 1999 |
184) Percent of Nonfarm Employees in Manufacturing in 1999 |
185) Employees in Mining in 1999 |
186) Percent of Nonfarm Employees in Mining in 1999 |
187) Employees in Service Industries in 1999 |
188) Percent of Nonfarm Employees in Service Industries in 1999 |
189) Employees in Transportation and Public Utilities in 1999 |
190) Percent of Nonfarm Employees in Transportation and Public Utilities in 1999 |
191) Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade in 1999 |
192) Percent of Nonfarm Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade in 1999 |
193) Energy Consumption in 1997 |
194) Per Capita Energy Consumption in 1997 |
195) Average Annual Percent Change in Per Capita Energy Use: 1995 to 1997 |
196) Energy Prices in 1995 |
197) Energy Expenditures in 1995 |
198) Per Capita Energy Expenditures in 1995 |
199) Expenditures on Coal in 1995 |
200) Coal Prices in 1995 |
201) Expenditures on Electricity in 1995 |
202) Electricity Prices in 1995 |
203) Electricity Costs for Industrial Users in 1995 |
204) Expenditures on Natural Gas in 1995 |
205) Natural Gas Prices in 1995 |
206) Natural Gas Costs for Industrial Users in 1995 |
207) Expenditures on Motor Gasoline in 1995 |
208) Gasoline Used in 1998 |
209) Per Capita Gasoline Used in 1998 |
210) Power Plants in 1999 |
211) Nuclear Power Plants in 1999 |
212) Hazardous Waste Sites on the National Priority List in 2000 |
213) Hazardous Waste Sites on the National Priority List per 10,000 Square Miles in 2000 |
214) Pollution Released by Manufacturing Plants in 1997 |
215) Percent Change in Pollution Released by Manufacturing Plants: 1996 to 1997 |
216) Toxic Waste Sent Out of State in 1997 |
217) Toxic Waste Received In State in 1997 |
218) Daily Fresh Water Withdrawals in 1995 |
219) Per Capita Daily Fresh Water Withdrawn in 1995 |
220) Total Area of States in Square Miles in 1999 |
221) Land Area of States in Square Miles in 1999 |
222) Water Area of States in Square Miles in 1999 |
223) Highest Point of Elevation in Feet |
224) Lowest Point of Elevation in Feet |
225) Approximate Mean Elevation in Feet |
226) Normal Daily Mean Temperature |
227) Percent of Days That Are Sunny |
228) Average Wind Speed (M.P.H.) |
229) Tornadoes in 1998 |
230) Tornadoes: 1950 to 1998 |
231) Fatalities Caused by Tornadoes: 1950 to 1999 |
232) Land in Metropolitan Areas in 1999 |
233) Percent of Land in Metropolitan Areas in 1999 |
234) Land in Nonmetropolitan Areas in 1999 |
235) Percent of Land in Nonmetropolitan Areas in 1999 |
236) Acres of Land Owned by the Federal Government in 1998 |
237) Percent of Land Owned by the Federal Government in 1998 |
238) Percent of Nonfederal Land That is Developed: 1997 |
239) Percent Change in Number of Acres Developed: 1992 to 1997 |
240) State Parks, Recreation Areas and Natural Areas in 1998 |
241) Visitors to State Parks and Recreational Areas in 1998 |
242) Federal Individual Income Tax Revenue in 1997 |
243) Per Capita Federal Individual Income Tax Revenue in 1997 |
244) Federal Individual Income Tax as a Percent of Adjusted Gross Income in 1997 |
245) Adjusted Gross Income in 1997 |
246) Per Capita Adjusted Gross Income in 1997 |
247) Percent of Individual Federal Income Tax Returns with Adjusted Gross Income of $35,000 to $75,000 in 1997 |
248) Percent of Individual Federal Income Tax Returns with Adjusted Gross Income Greater than $200,000 in 1997 |
249) Salaries and Wages Reported on Federal Individual Income Tax Returns in 1997 |
250) Per Capita Salaries and Wages Reported on Federal Individual Income Tax Returns in 1997 |
251) Average Salaries and Wages Reported on Federal Individual Income Tax Returns in 1997 |
252) Federal Government Expenditures in 1998 |
253) Per Capita Federal Government Expenditures in 1998 |
254) Federal Government Procurement Contract Awards in 1998 |
255) Per Capita Expenditures for Federal Government Procurement Contract Awards in 1998 |
256) Federal Government Direct Payments for Individuals in 1998 |
257) Per Capita Expenditures for Federal Government Direct Payments for Individuals in 1998 |
258) Federal Government Salaries and Wages in 1998 |
259) Per Capita Expenditures for Federal Government Salaries and Wages in 1998 |
260) Federal Civilian Employees in 1998 |
261) Rate of Federal Civilian Employees in 1998 |
262) State and Local Government Total Revenue in 1996 |
263) Per Capita State and Local Government Revenue in 1996 |
264) State and Local Government Revenue from the Federal Government in 1996 |
265) Per Capita State and Local Government Revenue from the Federal Government in 1996 |
266) Percent of State and Local Government Revenue from the Federal Government in 1996 |
267) State and Local Government Own Source Revenue in 1996 |
268) Per Capita State and Local Government Own Source Revenue in 1996 |
269) State and Local Government Tax Revenue in 1996 |
270) Per Capita State and Local Government Tax Revenue in 1996 |
271) State and Local Government Tax Revenue as a Percent of Personal Income in 1996 |
272) State and Local Government General Sales Tax Revenue in 1996 |
273) Per Capita State and Local Government General Sales Tax Revenue in 1996 |
274) State and Local Government Property Tax Revenue in 1996 |
275) Per Capita State and Local Government Property Tax Revenue in 1996 |
276) State and Local Government Property Tax Revenue as a Percent of State and Local Government Total Revenue in 1996 |
277) State and Local Government Property Tax Revenue as a Percent of State and Local Government Own Source Revenue in 1996 |
278) State and Local Government Expenditures in 1996 |
279) Per Capita State and Local Government Total Expenditures in 1996 |
280) State and Local Government Direct General Expenditures in 1996 |
281) Per Capita State and Local Government Direct General Expenditures in 1996 |
282) State and Local Government Debt Outstanding in 1996 |
283) Per Capita State and Local Debt Outstanding in 1996 |
284) State and Local Government Full-Time Equivalent Employees in 1998 |
285) Rate of State and Local Government FTE Employees in 1998 |
286) Average Annual Earnings of Full-Time State and Local Government Employees in 1998 |
287) State Government Total Revenue in 1997 |
288) Per Capita State Government Total Revenue in 1997 |
289) State Government Intergovernmental Revenue in 1997 |
290) Per Capita State Government Intergovernmental Revenue in 1997 |
291) State Government Own Source Revenue in 1997 |
292) Per Capita State Government Own Source Revenue in 1997 |
293) State Tax Revenue in 1998 |
294) Per Capita State Tax Revenue in 1998 |
295) State Government Tax Revenue as a Percent of Personal Income in 1998 |
296) State Individual Income Tax Revenue in 1998 |
297) Per Capita State Individual Income Tax Revenue in 1998 |
298) State Corporation Net Income Tax Revenue in 1998 |
299) Per Capita State Corporation Net Income Tax Revenue in 1998 |
300) State Government General Sales Tax Revenue in 1998 |
301) Per Capita State Government General Sales Tax Revenue in 1998 |
302) State Government Motor Fuel Sales Tax Revenue in 1998 |
303) Per Capita State Government Motor Fuel Sales Tax Revenue in 1998 |
304) State Tax Rates on Gasoline in 2000 |
305) State Government Motor Vehicle and Operators' License Tax Revenue in 1998 |
306) Per Capita State Government Motor Vehicle and Operators' License Tax Revenue in 1998 |
307) State Government Tobacco Product Sales Tax Revenue in 1998 |
308) Per Capita State Government Tobacco Sales Tax Revenue in 1998 |
309) Estimated State Funds from the Tobacco Settlement Through 2025 |
310) State Tax on a Pack of Cigarettes in 2000 |
311) State Government Alcoholic Beverage Sales Tax Revenue in 1998 |
312) Per Capita State Government Alcoholic Beverage Sales Tax Revenue in 1998 |
313) State Government Total Expenditures in 1997 |
314) Per Capita State Government Total Expenditures in 1997 |
315) State Government Direct General Expenditures in 1997 |
316) Per Capita State Government Direct General Expenditures in 1997 |
317) State Government Debt Outstanding in 1997 |
318) Per Capita State Government Debt Outstanding in 1997 |
319) State Government Full-Time Equivalent Employees in 1998 |
320) Rate of State Government FTE Employment in 1998 |
321) Local Government Total Revenue in 1996 |
322) Per Capita Local Government Revenue in 1996 |
323) Local Government Revenue from the Federal Government in 1996 |
324) Per Capita Local Government Revenue from the Federal Government in 1996 |
325) Local Government Own Source Revenue in 1996 |
326) Per Capita Local Government Own Source Revenue in 1996 |
327) Local Government Tax Revenue in 1996 |
328) Per Capita Local Government Tax Revenue in 1996 |
329) Local Government Total Expenditures in 1996 |
330) Per Capita Local Government Total Expenditures in 1996 |
331) Local Government Direct General Expenditures in 1996 |
332) Per Capita Local Government Direct General Expenditures in 1996 |
333) Local Government Debt Outstanding in 1996 |
334) Per Capita Local Government Debt Outstanding in 1996 |
335) Local Government Full-Time Equivalent Employees in 1998 |
336) Rate of Local Government FTE Employees in 1998 |
337) Persons Not Covered by Health Insurance in 1998 |
338) Percent of Population Not Covered by Health Insurance in 1998 |
339) Percent of Population Enrolled in Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) in 1999 |
340) Percent of Population Lacking Access to Primary Care in 1999 |
341) Personal Health Care Expenditures in 1993 |
342) Per Capita Personal Health Care Expenditures in 1993 |
343) Nonfederal Physicians in 1998 |
344) Rate of Nonfederal Physicians in 1998 |
345) Dentists in 1997 |
346) Rate of Dentists in 1997 |
347) Community Hospitals in 1998 |
348) Rate of Community Hospitals in 1998 |
349) Births in 1998 |
350) Birth Rate in 1998 |
351) Births to White Women in 1998 |
352) Births to Black Women in 1998 |
353) Births of Low Birthweight in 1998 |
354) Births of Low Birthweight as a Percent of All Births in 1998 |
355) Percent of Births to Teenage Mothers in 1998 |
356) Births to Unmarried Women as a Percent of All Births in 1998 |
357) Births to Unmarried White Women as a Percent of All Births to White Women in 1998 |
358) Births to Unmarried Black Women as a Percent of All Births to Black Women in 1998 |
359) Fertility Rate in 1998 |
360) Percent of Mothers Receiving Late or No Prenatal Care in 1997 |
361) Reported Legal Abortions in 1996 |
362) Reported Legal Abortions per 1,000 Live Births in 1996 |
363) Infant Deaths in 1997 |
364) Infant Mortality Rate in 1997 |
365) White Infant Mortality Rate in 1997 |
366) Black Infant Mortality Rate in 1997 |
367) Deaths in 1998 |
368) Death Rate in 1998 |
369) Age-Adjusted Death Rate in 1998 |
370) Deaths by Accidents in 1997 |
371) Death Rate by Accidents in 1997 |
372) Estimated Deaths by Cancer in 2000 |
373) Estimated Death Rate by Cancer in 2000 |
374) Estimated New Cancer Cases in 2000 |
375) Estimated Rate of New Cancer Cases in 2000 |
376) Deaths by Cerebrovascular Diseases in 1997 |
377) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Cerebrovascular Diseases in 1997 |
378) Deaths by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases in 1997 |
379) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases in 1997 |
380) Deaths by Diseases of the Heart in 1997 |
381) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Diseases of the Heart in 1997 |
382) Deaths by Suicide in 1997 |
383) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by Suicide in 1997 |
384) Deaths by AIDS in 1997 |
385) Age-Adjusted Death Rate by AIDS in 1997 |
386) AIDS Cases Reported in 1999 |
387) AIDS Rate in 1999 |
388) AIDS Cases Reported Through June 1999 |
389) Alcohol Consumption in 1997 |
390) Percent of Adults Who Smoke: 1998 |
391) Percent of Adults Overweight: 1998 |
392) Percent of Children Aged 19 to 35 Months Fully Immunized in 1997 |
393) Households in 1998 |
394) Percent Change in Households: 1994 to 1998 |
395) Persons per Household in 1998 |
396) Housing Units in 1998 |
397) Percent Change in Housing Units: 1994 to 1998 |
398) New Housing Units Authorized in 1999 |
399) Value of New Housing Units Authorized in 1999 |
400) Average Value of New Housing Units in 1999 |
401) Percent Change in Number of New Housing Units Authorized: 1998 to 1999 |
402) Percent Change in Value of New Housing Units Authorized: 1998 to 1999 |
403) Percent Change in House Prices: 1995 to 1999 |
404) Existing Home Sales in 1999 |
405) Percent Change in Existing Home Sales: 1998 to 1999 |
406) Homeownership Rate in 1999 |
407) Percent Change in Homeownership Rate: 1989 to 1999 |
408) Homeowner Vacancy Rate in 1999 |
409) Rental Vacancy Rate in 1999 |
410) Mobile Homes and Trailers in 1990 |
411) State and Local Government Expenditures for Housing and Community Development in 1996 |
412) Per Capita State and Local Government Expenditures for Housing and Community Development in 1996 |
413) Population in 1999 |
414) Population Change: 1998 to 1999 |
415) Percent Change in Population: 1998 to 1999 |
416) Population Change: 1990 to 1999 |
417) Percent Change in Population: 1990 to 1999 |
418) Population in 1998 |
419) Population in 1997 |
420) Population (Resident and Overseas) in 1990 |
421) Resident State Population in 1990 |
422) U.S. Population Living Overseas in 1990 |
423) Resident State Population in 1980 |
424) Resident State Population in 1970 |
425) Resident State Population in 1960 |
426) Resident State Population in 1950 |
427) Projected State Population in 2015 |
428) Projected Population Change: 1999 to 2015 |
429) Projected Percent Change in Population: 1999 to 2015 |
430) Population per Square Mile in 1999 |
431) Population per Square Mile in 1990 |
432) Population per Square Mile in 1980 |
433) Population per Square Mile in 1970 |
434) Population per Square Mile in 1960 |
435) Population per Square Mile in 1950 |
436) Urban Population in 1990 |
437) Percent of Population Urban in 1990 |
438) Rural Population in 1990 |
439) Percent of Population Rural in 1990 |
440) Metropolitan Population in 1996 |
441) Percent of Population Living in a Metropolitan Area in 1996 |
442) Nonmetropolitan Population in 1996 |
443) Percent of Population Living in a Nonmetropolitan Area in 1996 |
444) Male Population in 1998 |
445) Female Population in 1998 |
446) White Population in 1998 |
447) Percent of Population White in 1998 |
448) Black Population in 1998 |
449) Percent of Population Black in 1998 |
450) Hispanic Population in 1998 |
451) Percent of Population Hispanic in 1998 |
452) Asian Population in 1998 |
453) Percent of Population Asian in 1998 |
454) American Indian Population in 1998 |
455) Percent of Population American Indian in 1998 |
456) Projected White Population in 2015 |
457) Projected Percent of Population White in 2015 |
458) Projected Black Population in 2015 |
459) Projected Percent of Population Black in 2015 |
460) Projected Hispanic Population in 2015 |
461) Projected Percent of Population Hispanic in 2015 |
462) Projected Asian Population in 2015 |
463) Projected Percent of Population Asian in 2015 |
464) Projected American Indian Population in 2015 |
465) Projected Percent of Population American Indian in 2015 |
466) Median Age in 1998 |
467) Population Under 5 Years Old in 1998 |
468) Population 5 to 17 Years Old in 1998 |
469) Population 18 Years Old and Older in 1998 |
470) Percent of Population 18 Years Old and Older in 1998 |
471) Population 18 to 24 Years Old in 1998 |
472) Population 25 to 44 Years Old in 1998 |
473) Population 45 to 64 Years Old in 1998 |
474) Population 65 Years Old and Older in 1998 |
475) Percent of Population 65 Years Old and Older in 1998 |
476) Population 85 Years Old and Older in 1998 |
477) Percent of Population 85 Years Old and Older in 1998 |
478) Domestic Migration of Population: 1998 to 1999 |
479) Net International Migration: 1997 to 1998 |
480) Percent Change in Population: 1990 to 1998 |
481) Percent Change in Population Under 5 Years Old: 1990 to 1998 |
482) Percent Change in Population 5 to 17 Years Old: 1990 to 1998 |
483) Percent Change in Population 18 to 24 Years Old: 1990 to 1998 |
484) Percent Change in Population 25 to 44 Years Old: 1990 to 1998 |
485) Percent Change in Population 45 to 64 Years Old: 1990 to 1998 |
486) Percent Change in Population 65 Years Old and Older: 1990 to 1998 |
487) Percent Change in Population 85 Years Old and Older: 1990 to 1998 |
488) Marriages in 1998 |
489) Marriage Rate in 1998 |
490) Divorces in 1998 |
491) Divorce Rate in 1998 |
492) Seats in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1999 |
493) Population per U.S. House of Representative Seat in 1999 |
494) State Legislators in 1999 |
495) Population per State Legislator in 1999 |
496) Registered Voters in 1998 |
497) Percent of Eligible Voters Reported Registered in 1998 |
498) Persons Voting in 1998 |
499) Percent of Eligible Population Reported Voting in 1998 |
500) Poverty Rate in 1998 |
501) Percent of Senior Citizens Living in Poverty in 1998 |
502) Percent of Children Living in Poverty in 1998 |
503) Percent of Families Living in Poverty in 1998 |
504) State and Local Government Expenditures for Public Welfare Programs in 1996 |
505) Per Capita State and Local Government Expenditures for Public Welfare Programs in 1996 |
506) State & Local Government Spending for Public Welfare Programs as a Percent of All State/Local Government Expenditures: 1996 |
507) Social Security (OASDI) Payments in 1998 |
508) Per Capita Social Security (OASDI) Payments in 1998 |
509) Social Security (OASDI) Monthly Payments in 1998 |
510) Social Security (OASDI) Beneficiaries in 1998 |
511) Average Monthly Social Security (OASDI) Payment in 1998 |
512) Medicare Benefit Payments in 1998 |
513) Medicare Enrollees in 1998 |
514) Medicare Payments per Enrollee in 1998 |
515) Percent of Population Enrolled in Medicare in 1998 |
516) Medicaid Expenditures in 1997 |
517) Percent Change in Medicaid Expenditures: 1990 to 1997 |
518) Medicaid Recipients in 1997 |
519) Medicaid Cost per Recipient in 1997 |
520) Percent of Population Receiving Public Aid in 1998 |
521) Social Security Supplemental Security Income Beneficiaries in 1998 |
522) Average Monthly Social Security Supplemental Security Income Payment: 1998 |
523) Recipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Payments: 1999 |
524) Percent Change in AFDC/TANF Recipients: 1993 to 1999 |
525) Percent Change in AFDC/TANF Families: 1993 to 1999 |
526) Maximum Monthly TANF Benefit for Family of Three in 1999 |
527) Food Stamp Benefits in 1999 |
528) Monthly Food Stamp Recipients in 1999 |
529) Average Monthly Food Stamp Benefit per Recipient in 1999 |
530) Percent of Population Receiving Food Stamps in 1999 |
531) Percent Change in Food Stamp Program Participation: 1995 to 1999 |
532) Households Receiving Food Stamps in 1999 |
533) Percent of Households Receiving Food Stamps in 1998 |
534) Average Monthly Participants in Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Special Nutrition Program in 1999 |
535) Average Monthly Benefit per Participant for Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Special Nutrition Program in 1999 |
536) National School Lunch Payments in 1999 |
537) Participants in National School Lunch Program in 1999 |
538) Average Payment per National School Lunch Program Participant in 1999 |
539) Percent of Public Elementary and Secondary Students Eligible for Free Lunch in 1998 |
540) Federal Highway Funds in 2000 |
541) Per Capita Federal Highway Funds in 2000 |
542) Federally-Funded Road and Street Mileage in 1998 |
543) Percent of Public Road and Street Mileage Federally-Funded in 1998 |
544) Public Road and Street Mileage in 1998 |
545) Interstate Highway Mileage in 1998 |
546) Rural Road and Street Mileage in 1998 |
547) Urban Road and Street Mileage in 1998 |
548) Bridges in 1998 |
549) Deficient Bridges in 1998 |
550) Deficient Bridges as a Percent of Total Bridges in 1998 |
551) Vehicle-Miles of Travel in 1998 |
552) Highway Fatalities in 1998 |
553) Highway Fatality Rate in 1998 |
554) Percent Change in Highway Fatality Rate: 1997 to 1998 |
555) Safety Belt Usage Rate in 1999 |
556) Percent of Passenger Car Occupant Fatalities Where Victim Used a Seat Belt in 1998 |
557) Fatalities in Alcohol-Related Crashes in 1998 |
558) Fatalities in Alcohol-Related Crashes as a Percent of All Highway Fatalities in 1998 |
559) Licensed Drivers in 1998 |
560) Licensed Drivers per 1,000 Driving Age Population in 1998 |
561) Motor Vehicle Registrations in 1998 |
562) Motor Vehicles per Person 16 and Older in 1998 |
563) Automobile Registrations in 1998 |
564) Bus Registrations in 1998 |
565) Truck Registrations in 1998 |
566) Motorcycle Registrations in 1998 |
567) Annual Miles per Vehicle in 1998 |
568) Average Miles per Gallon in 1998 |
569) Railroad Mileage Operated in 1998 |